Protecting Your Heart: A Reminder for Mothers to Be Still and Listen to God 💕 Motherhood is beautiful, but let’s be honest—it’s also noisy. From the moment we wake up, our minds are flooded with schedules, responsibilities, and the endless...
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Navigating the emotional rollercoaster of our adolescent daughters can feel like a wild ride, right? As Christian moms, we're blessed to have the wisdom of the Bible to guide us through these challenging moments.
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Recognizing the Fear Behind Mean Behavior: When we listen to our daughters describing their experiences, it becomes evident that many girls are driven by fear and a desperate need for acceptance.
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As the school year draws to a close, we are presented with a unique opportunity to nurture our children's faith and keep their spirits filled with God's word during the summer months.
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Olivia is an extraordinary 8-year-old girl on a remarkable adventure of faith, friendship, and self-discovery.
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